Evans Low Foam Heavy Cleaner. 2 x 5Lt

Evans Low Foam Heavy Cleaner 2 x 5LT

Evans Low Foam Heavy Multi-purpose Cleaner is ideal for daily home use as a general hard surface cleaner during your daily mopping activities.
Evans Low Foam Heavy is also ideal for use with combination scrubber dryer machines where vast areas need perfect cleaning. Such surfaces include floors on factories and warehouses and institutions that handle massive numbers of people daily such as schools, hospitals, restaurants and entertainment spots. It is able to eliminate all types of heavy soiling in just one pass of the machine. You can use it on simple dirt such as that on floors at home or heavier grimier dirt such as that could be found on the floors of manufacturing factories and warehouses.
Its formula is balanced enough for simple daily home cleaning but also strong enough for heavier cleaning where necessary.
Evans Low Foam Heavy is completely not perfumed. It is therefore ideal for cleaning your kitchen floors and other areas of the house where food is handled. Even better still, if you are handling food after the clean up you will not need to worry that the scent caught on your hands and you would transfer it to your food. For factories that handle food substances and restaurants, Evans Low Foam Heavy is your best bet for impeccable and safe cleaning.
Evans Low Foam is Eco-friendly and safe for daily use.
